A special Veteran’s Day message
(Note: Our office will be closed today in recognition of the holiday.) Before I get into today’s message, I would like to pay tribute on this Veteran’s Day to two veterans who are very dear to me—my father and my son-in-law. Sadly, my dad has passed, but I will be forever grateful to him for having left high school as a football star in his senior year to join the Navy and ultimately fight...

An Important Message from Sherry Regarding Ice Packs & Super Shield
As many of you already know, the culturing and manufacturing process for probiotic products has evolved dramatically over the last few decades. Long ago, it was important to keep the products at a consistently cold temperature from manufacture to consumption to help avoid any die-off of the bacteria. That is why 15 years ago back in 2009 when we first introduced Super Shield, it was shipped with an ice pack in the package. But...
- Tags: probiotics, shipping policies, Super Shield
4 Surprising health benefits of probiotics
Most people (and even many members of the mainstream medical community) are catching on to the fact that probiotics help prevent gas, bloating and constipation. Several have also given nods to probiotics for their immune supportive properties and their ability to help ease asthma and allergies. And if you really do your homework and read sources of information outside of the pharmaceutical-funded mainstream media (like my blog!), you might have even heard that probiotics can...

My experiment was an abysmal failure
I recently conducted a little experiment to see if my suspicions were correct. And they were. I wrote letters to 65 local gastroenterologists in my surrounding area and along the east coast of Florida, introducing myself, including my curriculum vitae, and explaining that I would be happy to provide specialized meal suggestions and convenient guides that they could give to their patients to help address any dietary-related causes of their symptoms. Know how many...

Got meds? Read this before you take them today.
I have never heard of this before, but apparently October is National Talk About Prescriptions Month. Good, because I have a lot to say about that subject, so I’ll jump right in. Although there are times when medications are necessary, as a society (especially here in the US) we’ve gone WAAAY overboard and are increasingly relying on drugs to “create health” for us. The numbers prove it. Currently the CDC reports that 82 percent...

This can either save your life or kill you
When faced with the unsettling news that they have a disease, many people are taken aback and swear that it just “came out of nowhere.” Trust me, nothing could be further from the truth. Disease is not a sneaky monster that lurks in the shadows and waits for its opportunity to bite poor unsuspecting you in the derriere. No, my friend—disease is slowly CREATED, and although there are many factors that determine whether your...