Six bad habits that can cause heart disease


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Six bad habits that can cause heart disease


Heart disease continues to be the number one killer in the US of both men and women year after year…so naturally most people are hoping their number doesn’t come up in the heart disease lottery.     

The pharmaceutical industry is very happy about this, because it allows them to market their statins very effectively by playing on your fears.  (Never mind that it’s inflammation—NOT cholesterol—that’s the culprit behind high blood pressure and heart disease.)

Making this situation worse is the fact that many of us have habits that are rolling out the red carpet for heart disease—and chances are good you don’t even know it!

Here are 6 of the big ones, along with ways you can support the health of your cardiovascular system.

Six bad habits that can cause heart disease

1- You don’t exercise

Exercise lowers your blood pressure, strengthens your heart and improves blood flow. 

Plus, exercise helps your body eliminate dangerous heavy metals which can increase your blood pressure if left to accumulate.

On the flip side, it has also been shown that sitting too much can raise your risk of heart disease too! Just one hour of sitting causes negative changes to the fat and sugar levels in your blood and can make you more susceptible to atherosclerosis.  

No more excuses—we’re talking about your health and your life here!

Get your doctor’s OK and get working up a sweat.

Also, if you have a desk job, make sure you get up and walk around periodically throughout the workday, and/or take a walk at lunch.

2- You don’t get enough sleep

Studies have shown that people who got fewer than 6 hours of sleep at night had a 79 percent increased incidence of heart disease than those who slept 8 hours or more.

So, if you’re a Night Owl, being sleepy at your desk the next day is not the only price you’re paying.

Turn off the TV, get off social media, and get some decent rest. 

If you have trouble sleeping, here are some ways to help:

  • Avoid sugars and stimulants in the evening
  • Don’t work out too close to bedtime
  • Sip chamomile tea
  • Try our Ocean lavender essential oil on your pillow
  • Try tryptophan or melatonin supplements
  • Darken your room as much as possible
  • Take a warm bath with Epsom salts


3- You’re a slacker when it comes to flossing

Most of us don’t have any trouble brushing our teeth regularly, but flossing is another issue.  However, being a flossing slacker can come back to bite you (pardon the pun). 

Although you might not realize it, bacteria in your mouth can affect your cardiovascular health!  Just like unwelcome microbes ANYWHERE in your body, harmful oral bacteria can get into your bloodstream, stir up inflammation and trigger atherosclerosis.

So, if Ronald Reagan was President last time you flossed your teeth, time to get going, my friend.  

And while you’re at it, make sure you schedule a cleaning with a hygienist at least once a year.

4- You drink diet soda

Most people are aware that sugary beverages like soda (and other sweetened drinks) are not a good thing.

The sugar can feed harmful yeasts and bacteria in your gut, encourage cancer cells to form, raise your blood glucose level and in turn, trigger heart-harmful inflammation.

But don’t be fooled into thinking you’re home-free if you drink diet soda…because you couldn’t be more wrong.

In addition to all of the other health abominations associated with artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose, research shows that people who drink 2 or more diet sodas a day have a 23 percent higher risk of going into heart failure!

5- You shun the sun and/or wear sunscreen

Your body produces Vitamin D when your skin is exposed to direct sunlight, and Vitamin D’s anti-inflammatory actions help counteract inflammation in your arteries (among many other things). 

But thanks to our (exaggerated) fears of skin cancer, many people shun the sun entirely or slather on sunscreen every time they go out, which blocks your body’s ability to make Vitamin D.

What’s made this even worse recently are all the COVID-19 lockdowns where people have been hesitant or downright frightened to even go out in their own yards.

Reasonable (20-30 minutes) of unprotected sun exposure helps your body make Vitamin D like it’s supposed to.  If you stay out longer than that, then yes, put some (non-toxic) sunscreen on or wear protective clothing.  And of course, never get a sunburn.

6-  You lack heart-healthy nutrients

Nothing has a bigger impact on your state of health (or lack thereof) than nutrients.  Every single disease has its roots in one or more nutritional deficiencies, and heart disease is no exception!

But that can be so easily turned around!  It’s just a matter of getting some more of the “good stuff,” staying away from the “bad stuff” and taking advantage of heart-supportive supplements!

Here’s how:

Get more of the good stuff

Concentrate on real foods like fresh vegetables, meats, poultry, fish, eggs, olive oil, coconut oil and real butter (never, EVER margarine).

And even more important is to avoid refined sugars and starchy carbs. 

Sugars and starchy carbs such as breads, pasta, rice and crackers (even if they’re whole grain) can create surges of glucose in your bloodstream, signaling your pancreas to secrete insulin.  Over time this can set the stage for insulin resistance, and high levels of glucose and insulin your blood, which stirs up inflammation in your blood vessels.   

Lastly, please get the old, tired idea out of your head that saturated fats are bad for you.  Your body NEEDS saturated fats, and that includes your heart and nervous system. As a matter of fact, the type of fat your heart draws upon in times of stress is saturated fat!

Moderation is the key, and that means a 3-4 oz. serving of meat—not a 24-oz. porterhouse.    

Supplement with heart healthy nutrients

Three key nutrients for cardiovascular support are Vitamin D, Omega-3 essential fatty acids and Vitamin B12.

Like I mentioned above, Vitamin D helps counteract inflammation in your arteries, and your body makes it from exposure to direct sunlight.

Unfortunately, some people are unwilling or unable to get sun exposure, and for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere, our sunny days can be very limited, especially in the cooler months!

To ensure you have proper levels of this heart-healthy nutrient all year round no matter where you live, supplementation with a top-notch formula like Optimum D-K Formula with FruiteX-B® is the way to go.  Optimum DK Formula provides a heart-healthy 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 in each 1-capsule dose, plus its partners Vitamins K1 and K2, and the mineral boron—all nutrients known for supporting cardiovascular health.

In addition, Omega-3 essential fatty acids have been medically proven to help lower blood pressure, they can fight inflammation in your arteries, and they help reduce the stickiness in your platelets and curb fibrinogens (which contribute to plaque).

VitalMega-3 is your ticket to getting a health-supporting dose of these crucial fats.  VitalMega-3 provides 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in every daily 2-capsule serving, including the all-important EPA and DHA in the 3:2 ratio recommended by experts.

Lastly, Vitamin B12 plays a role in heart disease prevention too!  Vitamin B12 converts homocysteine to a harmless amino acid.  If left unchecked, homocysteine can build up, cause inflammation in your blood vessels and raise your heart disease risk. 

Hydroxaden 2.5 is an easy, effective way to ensure your body has the B12 it needs for this vital task.  Hydroxaden is sprayed under your tongue so that B12 can be effectively absorbed right into your bloodstream. 

Now you are on the road to a healthier cardiovascular system…for life!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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1 comment

  • I’ve been getting Sherry’s blogs for several years and she provides great information to build our immune system and keep us on a healthy path. It hasn’t cost me anything! I have a great doctor who tells me the same things that Sherry does. He prescribes many of the same supplements for me that Holistic Blends offers. I don’t buy most of the supplements offered here only because I get them locally from my own doctor. However, I would trust the Holsitic Blends brand. Please don’t dismiss the great information Sherry shares because you think she is only trying to sell you something. Everyone is entitled to make a living. I’m speaking here as person who went through a very serious illness and came out the other side healthier due to my doctor’s and Sherry’s excellent information regarding healthy eating and lifestyle and adding supplements when needed.

    Candace on

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