How to prevent heart disease (Hint: forget cholesterol)


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How to prevent heart disease (Hint: forget cholesterol)

If I were to ask you what causes heart disease, I’m sure you would say “high cholesterol.”

Of course, you would.  Drug companies have been very effective in programming you to believe that cholesterol causes heart disease so they can sell you statins and create a customer for life.

The truth is, cholesterol has gotten a bad rap that it doesn’t deserve.  Cholesterol is your body’s healing salve (among the many other roles it plays), so when your body senses inflammation in your arterial walls, cholesterol is summoned to the scene to work its magic.

But when this happens over and over (as with chronic inflammation), well, that’s when you can get into trouble with too much cholesterol and eventually plaque buildup.

Fix the cause—not the end result!

To implicate cholesterol in this picture makes about as much sense as repeatedly slamming your thumb with a hammer, but blaming the hammer (instead of your own stupidity) for your throbbing thumb.

If you’re interested in heart disease prevention, take the bull by the horns and address the real cause.


Here’s how:

Eat for lower inflammation

Concentrate on real foods like fresh vegetables, fresh fruit in moderation (1-2 servings a day), meats, poultry, fish, olive oil and real butter (never, EVER margarine).

And even more important is to avoid refined sugars and starchy carbs, and all processed foods. 

Sugars and starchy carbs such as bread, pasta, rice and crackers (even if they’re whole grain) can create surges of glucose in your bloodstream, signaling your pancreas to secrete insulin.  Over time this can set the stage for insulin resistance, and high levels of glucose and insulin your blood, which stirs up inflammation.   

Many processed foods still contain trans-fats, and even if they don’t, they’re loaded with chemicals and preservatives and are likely made with GMO ingredients to boot.

Lastly, please get the old, tired idea out of your head that all saturated fat is bad for you.  Your body needs saturated fats, and that includes your heart and nervous system. 

Moderation is the key, and that means a 3-4 oz. serving of meat (preferably organic)—not a 24-oz. porterhouse.    

Engage in regular exercise

Exercise lowers your blood pressure, strengthens your heart and improves blood flow.  That sounds like heart disease prevention to me!

No excuses—we’re talking about your health and your life here!

Get your doctor’s OK and get working up a sweat.

Concentrate on heart healthy nutrients

Three key nutrients for cardiovascular support are vitamin D, Omega-3 essential fatty acids, and vitamin B12.

Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties that can counteract inflammation in your arteries.  It’s also a common deficiency because so many people completely shun the sun, and your body needs sun exposure (and cholesterol!) to manufacture vitamin D.  To ensure you have proper levels of this heart-healthy nutrient, supplementation with a top-notch formula like Optimum D-K Formula with FruiteX-B® is the way to go.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been medically proven to help lower blood pressure, they can fight inflammation in your arteries and they help reduce the stickiness in your platelets and curb fibrinogens (which contribute to plaque).  VitalMega-3 is your ticket to getting a health-supporting dose of these crucial fats.

Vitamin B12 converts homocysteine to a harmless amino acid.  If left unchecked, homocysteine can cause inflammation in your blood vessels and raise your heart disease risk.  Hydroxaden 2.5 is an easy, effective way to ensure your body has the B12 it needs for this vital task.  Hydroxaden is sprayed under your tongue so that B12 can be effectively absorbed right into your bloodstream. 

Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night

Studies have shown that adults who sleep fewer than five hours a night have 50 percent more calcium in their coronary arteries than those who slept seven hours.  Calcium buildup is a primary signal of heart disease.

Plus regular sound sleep has a significant impact on your level of insulin sensitivity.

Reduce stress

Chronic stress leads to high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your bloodstream.  Elevated cortisol can trigger inflammation, as well as lower your immune function, lead to digestive difficulties and nutritional deficiencies, and sap your energy and mental focus.

Now you have a solid plan to truly help reduce your risk of heart disease!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Hi Jeannette,

    Thank you for your comment! Here is an article on blood pressure that we’re sure you’ll find helpful:

    In addition, here is some help with reducing inflammation:

    We hope this helps!

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • I have your no pain no gain books but have high bp heart pain and am of good weight but in general believe imflamation in the body is a dread what do I do I am 80 a female and not ready for the overcoat?

    Jeanette McDonald on

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