For men: Take this prostate health quiz


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For men: Take this prostate health quiz

Aug 11, 2020 6 comments
For men: Take this prostate health quiz


Happy Tuesday, guys.  I'd like to talk about a subject that might make some of you feel a little, well, uneasy.

Your prostate gland.  And whether or not yours is as healthy as it should be.

It used to be that prostate problems were primarily something only elderly men had to worry about, but no longer.  Unfortunately, increasing numbers of men are experiencing prostate challenges at younger and younger ages. 

Let’s take a closer look at your prostate (that’s just an expression by the way--I promise no one’s going to show up at your door wearing a latex glove), explore what can go wrong with it, and look at ways to help keep your prostate healthy!

Your prolific prostate

Your prostate is a walnut sized gland that sits right below your bladder.

Its primary function is reproductive--that is, it makes the fluid that becomes part of a man's semen.  But because it's so close to your bladder and urethra (urine tube) it can affect urination too.

The prostate is also where that the male sex hormone testosterone is transformed into a biologically active form called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

It's hard for a doctor to physically examine the prostate because it's kind of that's why checking it usually involves a digital rectal exam.  The exam is usually quick but as I’m told it’s the most uncomfortable 20 seconds of a man’s life.

Prostate problems

The main problems that can arise with the prostate are:

  • Enlargement of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH)
  • Prostate infection (prostatitis)
  • Prostate cancer

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) results when testosterone in a man’s body converts to a highly active form and stimulates prostate cells to grow larger. 

While the key word here is “benign” meaning that BPH is not cancerous and in most cases not dangerous, it can be a nuisance because as the prostate gets bigger, it pushes on the urethra and can result in an increased frequency of urination and/or waking up at night having to go.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that can cause a wide variety of symptoms including:

  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Sense of urgency to urinate
  • Pain in the abdomen, groin or lower back
  • Pain or discomfort in the penis or testicles
  • Pain during orgasm
  • Flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, nausea, vomiting)

Although a small percentage of prostatitis cases (about 5 percent or less) are due to bacterial infection and can be treated with antibiotics, the cause of the vast majority of cases is unknown.

And last but not least, there’s prostate cancer.  Although any form of cancer is scary, prostate cancer typically grows very slowly, so most men that develop it won’t die from it. 

Here are some of the risk factors of prostate cancer:

  • Age: By the time a man is 50, he has a 30 percent chance of developing prostate cancer
  • Ethnicity: Men of African descent have the highest rate of prostate cancer
  • Family history: Men with a family history of prostate cancer have a risk that’s two to three times greater than other men
  • Diet: A diet very high in unhealthy fats doubles the risk
  • Smoking: Smoking depletes antioxidants in the body which help with cancer protection. In addition, cigarette smoke is high in cadmium, which interferes with zinc’s role in prostate health.


Hello down there!

If you’re even mildly curious about how your prostate is doing, here is a quiz you can take to see if there may be something awry down there.

Answer each of the questions below using the following rating system:

0 = Never
1 = Mild; rarely
2 = Moderate; occasionally
3 = Severe; frequently

How often and how severely do you experience the following symptoms?

  • Difficulty urinating
  • A sense of bladder fullness
  • Straining while urinating
  • Decreased amounts of urine passed
  • Waking up during the night to urinate
  • Dripping/dribbling after urination
  • Pain or fatigue in the legs
  • Pain or fatigue in the back
  • Lowered sex drive

Your total score: ________________

Scoring interpretation:

1—2: Prostate problems are unlikely
3—5: Prostate problems are possible
6 or more: Prostate problems are likely

What now?

If you suspect that something may be going on with your prostate, by all means see a doctor.

Depending on what may be going on, tests you receive may include a digital rectal exam, ultrasound, urine test, or a PSA test.

But it’s important to DO YOUR PART here too!

And that means doing all you can to help enhance the health of your prostate if you do have problems, or to help keep yours healthy for years and years to come!

Here are some helpful measures to consider:

1) Have a healthy diet

The rate of prostate cancer is higher among men who eat a typical Western-type diet—meaning lots of unhealthy fats and refined carbs, and very little fiber.

Foods like these also lack antioxidants and nutrients that are essential for strong prostate health.

Plus an unhealthy diet also creates acid wastes which breed inflammation—and can contribute to or worsen prostatitis. 

So it’s essential for the health of your prostate (and the rest of you too!) to have a diet of wholesome real foods that are rich in fiber and nutrients, and limit your intake of unhealthy fats and refined carbs.  

2) Get enough Omega-3 essential fatty acids

Omega-3 fats are Nature’s anti-inflammatory, and a deficiency in them is a leading cause of all kinds of inflammatory issues (including prostate problems).  Unfortunately, the average person is low in these crucial fatty acids.

A large reason for this is the typical modern diet which is heavy on refined grains, vegetable oils and meats from corn-fed animals—all of which are loaded with inflammatory Omega-6 EFAs but are severely lacking anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fats.

So to help support prostate health (and keep inflammation low throughout your body) it's wise to replenish your Omega-3 supply with a top-quality fish oil supplement.

VitalMega-3 is a pure fish oil formula that delivers 1,000 mg of the EPA and DHA essential fatty acids you so desperately need in every daily 2-capsule serving.

Studies continue to support fish oil’s effectiveness, even with prostate issues!  One study involving 2,268 men aged 67–96 years old found that men consuming fish oil in later life had a lower risk of advanced prostate cancer.

3) Additional nutrients to consider

There are certain other nutrients that have been shown to help enhance prostate health:

Zinc is far and away the star.  It's been shown to help reduce prostate swelling and symptoms. 

Vitamin B6 is a good "partner" to zinc because it helps aid zinc absorption in your body. 

And Magnesium can help encourage muscle relaxation—which can be helpful with BPH and prostatitis

And all of these are in our outstanding Super Core multi-vitamin and mineral formula!

Plus Super Core provides the additional benefit of natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which further support prostate (and overall) health.

Do all you can to help keep your prostate healthy well into your golden years!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • In about 2007 I started taking Uroxatral for BPH. Insurances changed had to go on the generic flomax. It make me dizzy, was told by Dr to stop taking. Was setup for prostate laser surgery. By the time the date came I was able to get along ok. I canceled that surgery in 2010. Since then I had tried a bunch of the advertised stuff. I ended up using sapalemento up to 2 grams per day. It seemed to be doing the job. Once in a while I would feel like I had to go real bad, thought I was holding it, but there would be a puddle by my foot. In Jan 2019 I had the laser surgery, flow is good. but still had hard to hold urges. June 2020 had my L3 through S1 lumbar spine fused, surges are decreasing. Also had a MRI of prostate Nov 2019, my bladder walls are thick from having to force urine for many years. Men there are a lot of things that can be done for BPH go check them out through a urologist. I wish I had gone through with the surgery in 2010.

    James Wesanen on

  • Hello Julius,

    We are happy to recommend our Super Core multi-nutritional supplement to you for consideration. You can learn about it here:

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • Please I need multivitamin

    Julius Mwenda on

  • Hi Lewis!

    Typically, a urologist would perform a digital exam for you. We hope this helps!

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • At birth, my testicles really hardly grew. I had an extra x chromosome so I had no chance to father’s child. My brother died of prostate cancer and I try to follow the gtnp plan. Who would give me the digital prostate exam, my pcp or other like GI?

    Lewis Groome on

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