Are you increasing your risk of disease like this?


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Are you increasing your risk of disease like this?


Oftentimes someone who has been diagnosed with a disease will say that it “just appeared out of nowhere.”

Trust me, nothing could be farther from the truth. 

Disease is carefully C-R-E-A-T-E-D over time—it ain’t no accident and it doesn’t happen overnight. 

And the single most significant factor that will determine whether your number will come up in the disease lottery is the health of your immune system!

Trouble is, many of us are unknowingly abusing our poor immune systems and undermining their efforts. 

Here’s how:

How we mess up Nature’s perfect plan

Here are some of the ways we mess up Nature’s perfect plan and wreak havoc with our immune systems:

Using acid reducers

One of your immune system’s defenses is your stomach acid—it kills dangerous pathogens you may ingest with your food.

But when you shut down your stomach’s acid production with medications, you are lacking the acid’s protection and opening yourself up for a variety of food-borne illnesses.

Using pain relievers for fevers

Contrary to popular belief, most fevers are good guys.

An initial rise in your body temperature is a sign that your immune system is “rising up to the challenge” of an infection or virus—and your temperature allows it to function at a higher level.

As your core temperature rises, it activates immune cells called lymphocytes that can destroy cells infected with viruses (as well as cancer cells too!).

The increase in your temperature also activates neutrophils, which are immune cells that target bacterial infection.  Plus the temperature increase also helps create an internal environment that is unfriendly toward harmful microbes.

But when you artificially lower your fever with pain meds, you are ruining your immune system’s efforts and making it likely that you will become even sicker!

Generally, fevers only become truly dangerous when they get up over 103° and/or last longer than three to four days. 

Eating a nutrient-poor diet

Your immune system must have proper nutrition in order to function and protect you.

That means getting a variety of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and phytonutrients from real foods.

But the nutrition issue is a double-edged sword. 

You see, not getting needed nutrients is bad enough, but if you aren’t eating real foods, that means you are eating refined carbs, processed foods and/or fast foods.

Not only does this junk not nourish you, but it can feed the harmful bacteria in your gut (where 80 percent of your precious immune system resides).  Eventually the harmful bacteria can overpower your protective gut flora, which weakens your immune functioning.

In addition, processed foods are extremely difficult for your body to break down.  This can result in partially digested food molecules seeping into your bloodstream through the intestinal wall and taunting your immune system into overreacting.  (This is how many allergies and food sensitivities are created.)

Overuse of sunscreens

Vitamin D helps regulate your immune system activity by calming excessive, inflammatory immune responses.

Unfortunately, Vitamin D deficiency is widespread, due to our fears of the sun and slathering on sunscreen—thereby not allowing our skin to produce Vitamin D from sunlight like it was designed to.


The theory behind vaccines is to give you a small dose of a virus to “fool” your immune system into thinking you’re sick, and trick it into developing antibodies to that virus.

But everyone’s system is different, and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that certain people’s immune systems might not react as expected, and/or may be hyper-stimulated and launch an inflammatory response.  

Using antibacterial products

By trying to germ-proof our world with antibacterial products like soaps and hand sanitizers, we are not exposing our immune systems to microbes and allowing them to develop natural immunity.

Instead we are encasing our immune systems in a sort of “plastic bubble,” preventing them from functioning as they were designed to.

Now the flip side—Immune system pampering

Now that you know some of the ways you’re pulling the rug out from under your immune system, here are some surefire ways to help keep it strong and healthy!

1- Nourish it properly

It's crucial for the health of your immune system (and your overall health) to eat a nutritious diet of real foods and promote sound digestion.   

When you focus on consuming good carbohydrates (like fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes), get enough fiber, and have healthy sources of fats and proteins, you not only encourage better digestion but also you help nourish all your immune players! 

The Great Taste No Pain health system can help make this a snap for you.

In Great Taste No Pain, I show you how to choose good, healthy sources of carbs, fats and proteins, and how to structure meals that are more easily digested by your system. 

2- Take a full-spectrum probiotic supplement

If you want to ensure a strong army of helpful bacteria to house your immune system, you need to recruit enough troops.

And Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is as good as it gets!

Two of the powerhouse strains in Super Shield probiotic formula, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus, have been shown to be extremely effective in fighting dangerous microbes.

And Super Shield's 11 other potent strains help keep your microbiome in a healthier balance, ready and able to fight off harmful invaders.

3- Get unprotected sun time

While it’s never a good idea to get a sunburn, 20-30 minutes of unprotected time in the sun will help your body produce Vitamin D. 

In addition, sunlight also builds your immune system. Your immune system’s white blood cells (lymphocytes) increase with sun exposure, and these cells play a major role in defending your body against infections.

And to make sure you maintain health-supporting Vitamin D levels all year-round, Optimum DK Formula with FruiteX-B is your ticket. 

4- Use ordinary soap

Ordinary soap and warm water are all you need to clean your skin.  Be sure to wash your hands often, especially after handling food and being out in public.

5- Carefully consider medications and vaccines

Most medications, including vaccines and especially antibiotics, can affect your gut health and immune function. 

Read package inserts for ALL drugs and vaccines, use medications only if absolutely necessary, and talk to your doctor about alternatives.  If he or she is unwilling to discuss the matter with you, find another who will.

Treat your precious immune system like the gold it is, and it will return the favor with strong protection against disease.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia


The information in our articles are NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and are not intended as medical advice.

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  • Hello Betty!

    Sherry has not yet discussed the aorta in depth, but we’re sure that you’ll find this article helpful:

    If you have any other questions, please email us at

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • Hi – wondering if you have an opinion on how the Aorta works – I am awaiting an ultrasound, however, my Dr thinks I may have an aneurysm on mine just beneath my rib cage… wondering if my diet could have/has created this?
    Thank You

    Betty on

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