Don’t be a sheep that falls for fear-based medicine


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Don’t be a sheep that falls for fear-based medicine

There is a dangerous trend that is exploding before our very eyes and the problem with that is so many people are caught up in it that they don’t even realize they are being manipulated.

I’m talking about fear-based medicine.

Over the last several decades we’ve seen the marketing of pharmaceutical products go from merely a recommendation or an option to YOU MUST DO THIS OR YOU WILL DIE!

Yet when you take a closer look behind all the fear-mongering it becomes painfully obvious that profit—NOT health—is the primary goal.

Here are a couple examples of what I’m talking about:


Currently about one-third of all adults in the US are on statins.

The fear-mongering used with statins is that someone’s cholesterol is too high (based on an unproven arbitrary threshold that has been decreased in recent years, thereby raising the number of people on statins); cholesterol causes heart disease; heart disease is our #1 killer; so statins are necessary and vital.

What a crock.

First of all, sugar and inflammation cause heart disease—not cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a healthy substance your body needs!  That is, if you want hormones, vitamin D production by your skin and proper healing.

Cholesterol is only associated with heart disease because when you have chronic inflammation in your arteries, it causes a repetitive signal for cholesterol to come on the scene and do its healing repair work. 

So the real culprit here is inflammation

And although statins are ridiculously touted as safe, nothing could be farther from the truth!

Unless of course you think liver failure, kidney failure, memory loss, muscle wasting, diabetes, abnormal heart rhythm and rectal bleeding are “safe” conditions to have.


Flu Shots

Soon the time will arrive where we will be bombarded with signs everywhere saying, “Get your flu shot!”

The fear-mongering used here is that the flu can be deadly so you MUST get the shot or take your life in your hands.

Well, first and foremost, there are about 200 different viruses that cause flu or flu-like illness, yet the vaccine only covers 3 of those.  Do the math and admit you’re not getting much in the way of protection.

In addition, remember there is no proof that vaccines confer immunity.  Our experience is showing otherwise with outbreaks of flu, measles and mumps occurring in highly vaccinated populations.

Plus, in many cases of death, especially in the elderly, “flu” is cited as the cause, when in fact death was caused by pneumonia or a combination of chronic illnesses of which flu may be in the mix.

The actual statistics for 2013 from the CDC’s website show total deaths due to influenza and pneumonia as 56,979. 

But when you drill down further into the statistics you see that 53,282 of those deaths were due to pneumonia and 3,697 due to influenza.

Note the CDC’s site no longer breaks down the pneumonia and flu death totals. The final 2017 numbers only show 55,672 deaths from “influenza and pneumonia”—I could not locate a breakdown. 

Of course not--it’s easier to sell flu shots showing an inflated mortality number. 

Don’t be a sheep!

The moral of the story here is don’t be a sheep!

Here are some ways you can see through the fear-mongering and search out the healthcare options that are right for you—not just those that make drug companies richer!

Explore natural measures

While medications may be necessary in some instances, there are many natural measures that can be just as effective…and far safer with no side effects!

For example:

Fish oil like VitalMega-3 has been medically proven to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol!

Natural anti-inflammatories including turmeric (like our Optimal Turmeric Blend) and the Omega-3 fats in VitalMega-3 can help ease inflammation and curb the resulting aches and pains.

Probiotics like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula can help with a whole slew of issues, including constipation, low immune function, leaky gut, cold and flu prevention, IBS, allergies and even depression!

And if autoimmune conditions, bone health, heart disease or cancer are concerns of yours, the Vitamin D found in Optimum DK Formula can help address those conditions.

Research everything

Don’t blindly believe everything you are told or hear on the news.

Keep in mind that 70-90 percent of the media’s revenues comes from pharmaceutical companies.  Let that sink in and use your imagination about their level of objectivity.

And note that even search engines like Google and MSN receive pharma revenue, so if you want an objective search tool, try DuckDuckGo.

Ask questions

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask questions of your doctor!

A doctor should be your partner in health, and there are a good number of them that will gladly work with you and answer your questions or concerns.

If your doctor is not one of those, or if he/she makes you feel uncomfortable, stupid or refuses to discuss your care, find one who will.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Thank you so much for your common sense talk. The pharmaceutical industry does seem to have a stranglehold on the media through advertisement dollars spent.
    Just wished more people recognized this fact and stopped drinking the kool-aid…

    Aaron Banks on

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