Bloated and gassy? This may be why


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Bloated and gassy? This may be why

Sep 27, 2017 0 comments
Bloated and gassy?  This may be why

One of the most common complaints people (especially women) report to their doctors is that they are ALWAYS bloated and gassy.

Unfortunately, since most doctors are focused on addressing symptoms—not underlying causes—many people with digestive issues are simply dismissed with one or more medications. 

These can include antispasmodics, acid reducers, laxatives, antidiarrheals and even antidepressants!

None of which does anything whatsoever for the root cause of your gas and bloating, plus they all have side effects to boot. 

If this sounds all too familiar to you, then let me enlighten you on what may be behind your beach ball belly and anal acoustics.

Enzyme shortages—your ticket to digestive (and other) misery

If you tried to drive your car without any gas in the tank or any oil in the engine, you wouldn’t get too far, would you?

Well, your body is kind of the same way with digestive enzymes.  Without adequate enzymes, you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in you-know-where of having complete digestion.

Without enough enzymes for digestion, you can count on gas and bloating being your regular companions—it’s a given. 

But that’s not all…

Because insufficient digestion means poor nutrient absorption.  When you start lacking nutrients, it’s not a matter of if but merely when will sickness and disease strike, plus your energy will tank and you’ll likely gain weight too.

Inadequate digestion also upsets the balance in your gut microbiome, worsening gas and bloating and weakening your immune system!

Are you running on empty?

You may be thinking, “Why would I be low in enzymes?”

There are many reasons.

First, if you’ve had a less-than-stellar diet in the past (including fast and processed foods), you’ve probably expended more enzymes than Mother Nature ever intended you to.  Your body’s ability to produce enzymes diminishes over time, so chances are excellent you may have a degree of deficiency.

If you take acid reducers, you are very likely enzyme-challenged.  Acid reducers cripple your stomach’s ability to do its job of the initial breakdown of your foods, so your pancreas has to pick up all the slack.  And that means cranking out enzymes in overdrive!

Plus if you have had gastric surgery or had your gallbladder removed, your digestion is most assuredly impaired and enzyme issues are very likely.

Lastly, as we age our body’s ability to produce enzymes decreases, so people over age 50 are especially at risk.

Give your body the boost it needs!

Thankfully many people have experienced tremendous relief by just giving their body a little boost in the enzyme department with a top-quality wide-range enzyme formula.

Like Digestizol Max!

Digestizol Max contains a whopping 15 different plant-derived enzymes (making it suitable for both vegetarians and meat-eaters) that will help your body tackle any kind of food!

That includes meats, sugars, starches, dairy, fats and more!

And it's impressive work doesn’t stop there.

Because Digestizol Max also contains a special blend of herbs (including peppermint, ginger and fennel) that can help ease and soothe a challenged digestive tract.  

Our customers LOVE Digestizol Max!

Here are just a few great comments from our Digestizol Max customers:

Works better than any over the counter meds I have used in the past.  -Bill W.

I don't know what I would do without Digestizol Max. Honestly, I don't know how I survived before I began taking it. I was on every anti-acid I could find, including Prilosec, Zantac, etc. Once I found Digestizol Max, all my digestive problems ceased. This is the BEST thing ever and has made a positive difference in my life. -Jona S.

Has solved all my digestive problem. I am now regular again.  -Lourda A.

Now it’s YOUR turn!

Now it’s your turn to start feeling better!

Give your body a helpful boost and say goodbye to that nasty gas, bloating and digestive misery.

See what Digestizol Max can do for you now!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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