The shocking truth about prescription drug use
As I walked by the pharmacy counter in my local grocery store recently, I noticed that the line to pick up prescriptions was longer than any of the food check-out lines. That should tell you something. Now, certainly medications are needed at times, but when it gets to the point where most of us are drugged every single day, many times taking multiple medications, something is seriously wrong. And a big force behind this...

If you have a decent diet, do you need a multi-vitamin?
Now there is a good question that does not have a simple answer! It used to be that most people who had a “balanced diet” did not have much of a need for a multi-vitamin, since they would usually get what their bodies needed from their foods. Multi-vitamins were primarily for people whose diets were less-than-stellar, or perhaps people who for a variety of reasons were not able to fully absorb or use nutrients...

Don’t be hoodwinked by this trick
There is a dangerous trend that is exploding before our very eyes and the problem with that is so many people are caught up in it that they don’t even realize they are being hoodwinked. I’m talking about fear-based medicine. Over the last several decades we’ve seen the marketing of pharmaceutical products go from merely a recommendation or an option to YOU MUST DO THIS OR YOU WILL DIE! Yet when you take a...

This had better change…or we’re doomed
You have probably heard of the Hippocratic Oath that many doctors recite upon completion of medical school. It encapsulates the standards and principles of medical care since the time of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. But you’ve likely never seen the actual text of the oath! Note that it has been updated from its original form, so here are some excerpts from a more current version: I swear to fulfill, to the best...

Why are we seeing so much aggression and violence?
This question popped into my head as I was driving north on I-95 the other day and witnessed at least five instances of road rage or extremely aggressive driving. I swear in one case it looked like a car was trying to run another one off the road! Of course acts of aggression and violence are not limited to people driving on highways. Practically every day there are reports of another shooting, mass shooting,...

The top 3 health atrocities people see as “normal”
New! Holistic Blends is testing the option to listen to select blogs. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section of the blog below. I’d like to talk to you today about a trend that I am seeing in the health field that is rather disturbing and affecting increasing numbers of people. Despite our advances in new treatments and medications, and the fact that we spend more per capita on health care...