Don’t miss these subtle heart attack signs


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Don’t miss these subtle heart attack signs

In the movies and on TV it’s usually clear when an actor is supposed to be having a heart attack because you’ll see them grabbing their chest and bending over.

Well, REAL heart attacks don’t quite go that way.

Many times they’re very subtle in nature…and unless you know ALL of the possible signs, you might not live to tell about it.

Plus the symptoms of a heart attack differ between men and women!

Here are signs you should watch out for:


  • Chest discomfort: Most heart attacks cause discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back.  Men have described it as uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
  • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body: This can affect one or both arms, the back, the neck, jaw or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Cold sweats
  • Nausea
  • Lightheadedness


  • Although women can also feel chest discomfort like men, they are far more likely to experience severe shortness of breath.
  • Other common symptoms in women include cold sweats, stomach pain, and even fatigue.
  • Women are also more likely to feel nauseous and/or vomit.
  • Extreme dizziness or lightheadedness are common.
  • Sharp arm, back, neck and jaw pain are also more common in women than in men.

Don’t wait—get checked out!

If you even remotely suspect you’re having a heart attack, don’t wait—call 911! 

If that is not an option, have someone drive you to the closest ER or call an ambulance.

Also, chew and swallow an aspirin, unless you are allergic to aspirin or have been told by your doctor not to take it.

Prevention is crucial!

The best way to ensure your survival of a heart attack is to prevent one from occurring in the first place!

Here are some ways you can stack the deck in your favor:

Omega-3 essential fatty acids

Omega-3 essential fatty acids (like VitalMega-3) have been shown to be an important tool to help prevent heart attacks in these five ways:

1)  They've been medically proven to help lower blood pressure.  Studies show that daily fish oil supplementation alone can lower your systolic (the top number) pressure by five points or more and your diastolic (the bottom number) pressure by three points or more.

2)  They have anti-inflammatory properties, and heart disease is characterized by inflammation in your arteries. 

3)  Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce dangerous LDL cholesterol. 

4)  They also help raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. 

5)  Omega-3 fatty acids help keep blood clots from forming by reducing the stickiness in your platelets and curbing the production of fibrinogens--protein strands that can get tangled up with platelets and result in a clot.

And if you've reached the crucial moment and are having a heart attack, where whether or not you survive depends on your heart's reaction.  Omega-3 EFAs can help by stabilizing your heartbeat and preventing arrhythmia.

Vitamins C and E

A high-quality multi-vitamin and mineral formula like Super Core can help make sure you have healthy levels of these crucial heart-healthy nutrients.

Avoid sugars and refined carbs

Sugars and refined carbs (like bread and pasta) can elevate the glucose in your bloodstream which in turn can stir up inflammation in your arterial walls and invite high blood pressure.

Concentrate on high-quality animal and plant proteins and vegetables in your diet.

Get regular exercise

Regular exercise reduces your risk of high blood pressure alone by 30 percent!

It also strengthens your heart, increases “good” HDL cholesterol and lowers your triglycerides. 

Just be sure to get your doctor’s OK first (trust me, he or she will be thrilled) and GET MOVING!

Do what you need to do to preserve the health of your precious cardiovascular system!

To your health,

Sherry Brescia


The information in our articles are NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and are not intended as medical advice.

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