It’s a fact—carb addiction is real! (Here’s how to break free)
I once worked with someone who absolutely could not say no to starchy carbs and sugars. She always had a box of some kind of chip or cracker in her desk at work. She used to sneak to the little store across the street from the office and buy cookies or candy after lunch. When we would have a birthday celebration for a co-worker, she would take a second piece of cake later in...

One of the biggest threats to our existence
You probably know this about me already, but I’m a people watcher. Not in a weird way, but in a professional/educational way. I watch people’s food choices in restaurants, grocery stores and (most recently since I just flew home from Florida yesterday) airports and look for any obvious physical issues. I’m not judging—rather, as a nutrition coach, it’s important for me to see first-hand what people are eating and how it may affect them! ...

The worst form of sugar on the planet
I think it’s reasonable to say that most people are aware that sugar is not exactly a health food. Fair statement? Generally speaking, sugar causes or contributes to a tsunami of ill health effects, including obesity (which is a major COVID risk factor), chronic inflammation, insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes (another COVID factor), depressed immune function, cancer, heart disease, and yeast (Candida) overgrowth. That is particularly true when you’re talking about fructose—especially in the form...
- Tags: Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Sugar

Forget flu season—sugar season is upon us!
It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not referring to the fact that stores are displaying Christmas merchandise and the radio stations are playing nonstop holiday tunes—I’m talking about “flu season.” And you know what that means. Signs all over God’s green earth telling everyone to “Get their flu shot!” I also have noticed that there is a special maketing twist this year with respect to COVID. Now we’re hearing, “Protect yourself and...
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Living, Immune Health, Influenza, Sugar

A COVID-19 risk factor you can avoid
One of the biggest factors that has emerged that exponentially increases someone’s risk of complications from COVID-19 is the presence of diabetes. It should be no surprise. Diabetes impairs your body’s functioning from head to toe, and has a very long resume of the health problems it causes or worsens. COVID-19 is just another checkmark on the list. But the glimmer of hope here is that in many cases of diabetes are very PREVENTABLE! ...

Can you really be addicted to carbs?
When the word “addiction” comes up, the average person typically thinks of someone who has a problem with drugs, alcohol or cigarettes…or maybe even gambling or sex. But there is a whole other category of addiction that most people don’t even think of… Unless you’re affected by it. I’m talking about addiction to sugars and starchy carbs. People whose 4 food groups are pasta, breads, sweets and crackers are sometimes humorously referred to as...
- Tags: Addiction, Carbohydrates, Healthy Eating, Stress, Sugar, Yeast