GMOs are deadly—here’s what you need to know


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GMOs are deadly—here’s what you need to know


Although they’ve been around for nearly three decades, many people are still in the dark (much to the delight of food and chemical manufacturers) about GMOs--genetically modified organisms—or as they are more recently called, GE--genetically engineered—foods. 

For those of you still scratching your heads on what they are, GMO foods are living organisms that have had their genes artificially manipulated in a lab.  Scientists splice bits of DNA from one organism into another in the interest of creating a hardier species that resists threats like harsh weather and pests better, as well as increases yields.

That may initially sound like a good idea, but don’t jump too soon.

Here’s why.

It’s more like a mad scientist’s experiment!

Since the dawn of time, Nature has created different variations of species through crossbreeding, such as with insects or the wind moving pollen from one plant to another.

What sometimes results is a "new and improved" species that may be more sturdy or nutritious than its "ancestors."

But genetically modified organisms create combinations of plant, bacteria, animal and virus genes which would NEVER occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods.

You see, scientists are not staying in the same “kingdom” when they create a GMO food, such as splicing plant to plant or animal to animal.  Instead, they're splicing animal genes, bacteria and/or viruses into plants, and even chemical pesticides, herbicides and fungicides into various crops!

And although they are patting themselves on the back because yields of crops such as corn, cotton and soybeans have risen by 20 – 30 percent due to genetic engineering, that’s not necessarily something to celebrate. 

Fact is, playing God will ultimately come back to bite you, and in this case it’s in the area of health.

Major health risks of GMO foods

Creating species of foods that are entirely foreign to the human body comes with a price.

Here are some of the top health risks of GMO foods:

1- Increased allergies

A GMO food may have been “injected” with an allergen and thus can cause symptoms in people who don’t have an allergy to the original food, but are allergic to the food spliced in.

For example, fish genes have been spliced into strawberries.  So it’s entirely possible for someone with seafood allergies to have a reaction while eating GMO strawberries!

Also, genes from Brazil nuts have been spliced into soybeans.  Well, if you have a nut allergy (and many of them can be downright deadly), you could get a serious reaction from eating soy!

2- Cancer

Animal studies have shown that rats fed with Monsanto/Bayer’s glyphosate-resistant GE corn developed large tumors, many of which were cancerous.

While humans are not rats, rats are commonly used in studies because they are a good indicator as to how a human may react to the same substance or situation.

Our rates of cancer are not decreasing, especially childhood cancers which are on the rise, and I don’t find that a coincidence.

3- Decreased nutrients

GE crops often present nutritional profiles that are different from that which Nature gave them.

Studies have shown increased levels of antinutrient compounds (substances that interfere with your body’s absorption of nutrients) as well as lower level of essential nutrients in various GMO crops.

4- Destroyed gut microbiomes

Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto/Bayer’s herbicide Round Up) is frequently sprayed on GE crops prior to harvest. 

Monsanto has historically claimed that glyphosate is harmless to animals and humans because it uses what is called the shikimate acid pathway to kill weeds, and this metabolic pathway is absent in people and pets. 

However, this pathway is present in BACTERIA, and that’s how it can cause bodily harm in both humans and animals—through the bacteria in your gut microbiome!

Glyphosate disrupts your beneficial gut bacteria’s ability to function, thereby allowing dangerous organisms to flourish and overcome your microbiome.  At that point, you become a candidate for any number of viruses, infections and diseases.

In addition, glyphosate can also destroy the villi in your intestinal wall and reduce your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. 

5- Obesity

Studies are showing that GMO crops cause weight gain.

In one study examining the potential health effects of GMOs, researchers from Norway observed two groups of rats--one group was given food made with GMO corn and the other was given food made with conventional corn.

Over the course of 90 days, the rats eating the GMO corn diet grew fatter and consumed more food than the rats on the non-GMO diet.

They also observed that rats got fatter when they ate fish that had been raised on GMO corn--so there's a chain reaction effect!

They also tried the experiment on salmon and saw similar results--fish eating GMO corn grew faster and ate more than fish eating non-GMO corn.

GMOs are massively hiding in processed food

Currently the most widely produced GMO foods in the US are corn and soy, followed by canola, alfalfa, sugar beets, cotton, papaya, zucchini, conventional meats and dairy, apples and potatoes.

But it’s not likely that you will see GMO ears of corn in the produce section of your local grocery store.  Instead, GMO corn is primarily used to make high fructose corn syrup—which is in virtually every processed food on the planet, and especially in soda.

GMO corn is used in snack chips, crackers and cereals.

In addition, GMO corn and soy are used to make corn oil and soybean oil—the two most common types of oils used in processed foods and outrageously marketed as “healthy” options.

Plus, the glyphosate used on GMO crops makes its way into the final food product (and eventually you).  Glyphosate has been found in alarming amounts in products such as these:

Breakfast cereals: Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Wheaties, Corn Flakes, Raisin Bran, Kashi Organic Promise, Quaker Oats, Special K and Frosted Flakes

Snack Chips and Crackers: Ritz, Triscuits, Goldfish Crackers, Sun Chips, Stacy’s Pita Chips, Fritos, Doritos and Cheez-its

Cookies and Snack Cakes: Kashi Soft-Baked Cookies, Annie’s Gluten-free Cookies, Oreos, Double-Stuff Oreos, Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème Pies and Lucy’s Gluten-free Oatmeal Cookies

Keep in mind that labeling on processed foods is sneaky.  Manufacturers only need to state that the product is “partially produced with genetic engineering.” 

This is misleading to say the least—what they should be labeled with is a skull and crossbones.

Minimize your exposure and save your health!

Here’s how you can help minimize your exposure to the health dangers of GMOs:

Avoid processed foods

Unless a processed food is 100 percent organic or is labeled “non-GMO,” you should assume it has GMO ingredients.

Concentrate on wholesome real foods and avoid the packaged stuff as much as possible. 

Buy organic

Organic foods are not permitted to contain GMO ingredients, so if you occasionally want snack chips, cereals or other packaged foods, at least opt for organic or non-GMO brands whenever possible.

Also try to buy as much organic meat, milk and produce as possible—to not only minimize your exposure to GMOs but also hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and herbicides that the plants and animals are exposed to.   

If you're on a tight budget, check out local farmers or farmer’s markets, as well as Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs in your area. 

I personally have been doing CSA shares for years, and buy chickens, half cows and pigs from a local farmer that does not use GMO feed, antibiotics or other harmful chemicals in his farming.  Believe me, you can taste a huge difference in the meats!

Help your gut microbiome recover

Unless you’ve been diligent about eating 100 percent organic food, chances are excellent your gut bacteria may have already taken a major hit from the glyphosate in GMOs. 

In addition to having a healthy diet of real foods and avoiding processed foods and refined carbs, supplementation with a potent, full-spectrum probiotic formula like Super Shield Plus can help bring your gut back into a healthier balance so that it, in turn, can provide its sickness and disease-fighting protection like tit should.   

Remember YOU alone are responsible for your health--not biotech companies or food companies. 

Don't be a GMO guinea pig, jeopardizing your health while you help to grow their bottom lines. 

When it comes to real health, natural is always best.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

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  • Hello Mel,

    Cross contamination of GMO crops to non-GMO crops happens more than food companies would like to admit. It’s important to be mindful of the foods that are most at risk for cross contamination even if the crop itself is organic. We hope this helps!

    Melanie at Holistic Blends on

  • If organic foods don’t have GMO’s in them then why is Kashi Organic Promise on your list of foods that glyphosate in them?

    mel on

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