Don’t let this dangerous deficiency sneak up on you
Your body usually gives you obvious signs to tell you what it needs. For example, when your body needs nutrients, you feel hunger. When it needs sleep, you feel tired. When you need to have a BM, well, you get the urge to go. But one area where your body is more vague in communicating its needs is with WATER. Specifically, dehydration. Here’s the scoop on this often overlooked but amazingly common health issue,...

What you’ve been told about osteoporosis is wrong
Hopefully, something like, “Um, Sher, what about all the other ingredients? Just flour and sugar will create a mess—not a cake.”
And you’d be right.
Well, the typical advice for osteoporosis is about as lacking…and the result is much more serious than a bad cake.
Here’s why:

A sneaky cause of osteoporosis and kidney stones
When someone says “osteoporosis,” most people think, “Eat more dairy products!”
But when kidney stones are brought up, the opposite is true— “You’re eating too much dairy!”
Well, there’s a lot more to it than that.
- Tags: Healthy Bones, Healthy Kidneys, Vitamin D
Beyond strong bones—ALL that vitamin D does for you!
It helps regulate blood glucose and insulin levels, lowering your risk of Type 2 diabetes. It prevents depression by helping to regulate your hormones. It protects you against cardiovascular disease. It helps prevent cancer. It protects you against autoimmune diseases like MS, lupus and psoriasis. It supports healthy teeth and gums. It boosts your immune function and helps your body fight infections and viruses. It helps with learning, memory and concentration.
- Tags: Healthy Bones, Vitamin D