Holistic Blends Blog


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Are your bowel habits normal?  Here’s how to tell.

Are your bowel habits normal? Here’s how to tell.

  Ah, pooping.  Such a personal subject.  The intimate relationship between you, your toilet bowl and Charmin.    Bowel habits are typically not something that most people feel comfortable discussing, especially when the conversation centers on how often you go.  But it probably won’t surprise you that I believe it’s a VERY important topic of conversation, so let’s have a little chat about your Number twos.    Where do you fall on the spectrum?  Generally speaking, people...

Oct 04, 2023 2 comments

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Why are rates of this disease soaring?

Why are rates of this disease soaring?

  If you are an adult in the US, chances are good that you may have a quiet, sneaky disease lurking inside of you and you have no clue that there’s a problem. This disease often doesn’t cause symptoms.  But lo and behold, when it does, there will be no doubt in your mind that something is seriously wrong. I’m talking about diverticular disease.   Diverticular disease is the umbrella term used to describe the conditions...

May 15, 2023 3 comments

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I have a story to tell you—do you see yourself in it?

I have a story to tell you—do you see yourself in it?

  I have been in the health field since the early 80s and have also been blessed with a very sharp memory.  As such, I can remember what things were like 40 years ago in terms of people’s health as compared to now.  And I’ve got to say, hands down, that we are FAR sicker today than we were 40 years ago, and probably have ever been in our existence.  I was a health claims...

Feb 27, 2023 2 comments

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Craving carbs?  Here’s how to finally stop!

Craving carbs? Here’s how to finally stop!

  The health issues that my clients discuss with me truly run the gamut, but by far the most common concern I hear is: HOW CAN I STOP CRAVING CARBS?!! Carb cravings are especially challenging this time of year when you are surrounded by Thanksgiving pies, dinner rolls, homemade breads, and Christmas cookies and candy.  But never fear!  Because you CAN break your carb craving cycle.  Here is what you need to know:  Know the...

Nov 30, 2022 1 comment

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This may be the most overlooked measure of health

This may be the most overlooked measure of health

  There are several key measures or values that indicate things about your health and whether there may be an issue brewing.  Anytime you step into a doctor’s office you will see this in action. You will likely have your heart rate and blood pressure measured, your temperature taken, and the most dreaded one of all—stepping on the scale to get your weight.  But there is another measure that 99.9 percent of doctors do not...

Nov 21, 2022 3 comments

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Do you have this stomach cancer risk factor?

Do you have this stomach cancer risk factor?

  There is a certain bacterial infection that has been around for an incredible 200,000 years and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down yet. It’s VERY contagious and affects a staggering 66 percent of the world’s population (2 out of 3 of us).  In the vast majority of cases (90 percent), there are no symptoms at all, so most people who have contracted it don’t even know it.  But that doesn’t mean it’s...

May 23, 2022 3 comments

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