Your coronavirus questions---2nd installment
This is the second installment of answers to your coronavirus questions. I will keep going until ALL of the questions you have sent me are addressed. Again, I will remind you: To preserve privacy, I will not include anyone’s name or other identifying information but will show your question or an excerpt therefrom. I will also number them in each installment, as some questions are very similar, and I can just refer to the...
Answers to your coronavirus questions (part 1)
I’m happy to have had such a tremendous response to my invitation to pass along your coronavirus questions to me! I have compiled all your questions in date order and will address them over a series of several blogs. To preserve privacy, I will not include anyone’s name or other identifying information, but will show your question or an excerpt therefrom. I will also number them in each installment, as some questions are very...
Corona and other viruses—what you need to know
Currently, few topics outdo viruses in terms of instilling fear and panic in the general population. While there certainly can be a health risk with viruses, when you understand them and take measures to protect yourself, then the virus “monster” doesn’t appear as scary. [[big3]]Tiny germs[[end]] Viruses are tiny germs that are totally dependent on you for survival and reproduction. Scientists estimate that viruses have been around for about 50,000 – 100,000 years, so...