10 inflammatory foods to avoid now!
It’s official—inflammation is a leading cause of chronic disease and death! Chronic inflammatory conditions like heart disease, cancer and autoimmune diseases are responsible for 7 out of 10 deaths in the US each year. But inflammation also happens to be very PREVENTABLE! Some of the common sources of inflammation that you can avoid or minimize include: Stress Anxiety and depression Medications and vaccines Poor sleep Infections or viruses Being overweight or obese Lacking exercise But...
This can save your life—or cause your death
In my 30 years in the health and nutrition field, I’ve had discussions with countless people about their health concerns. Their issues run the gamut and include being overweight, having low energy, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, allergies, eczema, back pain, thyroid problems, elevated cholesterol, you-name-it. So most times people are pretty surprised or perplexed when the first question I ask them is, “How’s your digestion?” Here’s why that’s the most important question I...
Carpal tunnel relief—without surgery or steroids!
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very painful condition that affects about 8-10 million people in the US and 60 million people worldwide. Symptoms of carpal tunnel include numbness or tingling in the fingers and hands, pain and throbbing in the fingers, hand, wrist or forearm, a weakened grip, and difficulty moving or using the hands. It typically results from overuse of the hands—such as with typing, writing, driving, playing sports, using tools, or...
Are you ignoring these life-saving organs?
It is officially March 3rd and that means that spring is only 17 days away. I don’t buy it. I see a WHOLE lot of snow out my office window right now, with more in the forecast for the next week or so. But March is also National Kidney Month, and that’s definitely something I can get behind! When it comes to organs, your kidneys are not necessarily the most “popular” little guys, but their...
Surprisingly effective arthritis relief
Back when I was a kid, arthritis was something that I thought only happened to older people like my grandmother. But then I met a young girl (who was a cousin to one of my friends) who had chronic pain, swollen joints and walked with crutches. My friend whispered to me that she had arthritis, and that rocked my world. How on earth could a 15-year-old have arthritis? Well, now I know that’s quite...
Want to know how to really prevent cancer?
February is National Cancer Prevention Month and ribbons in all colors of the rainbow are popping up everywhere to raise awareness about our #2 killer. Organizations like the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute and the Mayo Clinic are regurgitating the same old prevention strategies—don’t use tobacco, eat a healthy diet, exercise and go for annual screenings (like mammograms)—even though those screenings expose you to cancer-causing radiation! Oops. Plus now vaccines for HPV...