Promising hope for Parkinson’s disease & prevention
Although the rates of all forms of autoimmune disease continue to rise, one in particular that is experiencing explosive growth is Parkinson’s disease (PD). Second only to Alzheimer’s at this point in the neurological disease category, about 10 million people worldwide and one million Americans suffer from PD. But those numbers may be grossly understated because many people don’t get diagnosed in the early stages of the disease. In addition, proper diagnosis can be muddied...
Arthritis relief without deadly painkillers!
Back in the 60s and 70s when I was a kid, arthritis was something that only happened to older people like my grandparents. Unfortunately, that has changed drastically and arthritis can affect people at ALL ages—including children! Here are some facts about arthritis that I bet you never knew, as well as ways you can achieve safe relief without dangerous painkiller if it affects you. [[big4]]The numbers are growing[[end]] According to the CDC, an estimated 54 million people in the US have arthritis—that’s about one out of six of us. That number also includes over 300,000 children! Things don’t look...
Stay away from this horrible diet advice
As a holistic nutrition coach, when I see the downright horrible diet advice that people are given or read on “health” sites or magazines, it makes me seethe. No wonder 7 out of 10 of us are sick, overweight, and medicated. And one of the biggest problems is that many sources of this dreadful advice appear to be credible! For example, I once read an article by a registered dietician (RD) that claimed artificial sweeteners...
10 Ways to avoid an early death
I think it’s safe to say that none of us wants to be pushing up daisies anytime soon! Now there are numerous factors that play into our disease and mortality rates and have an impact on how soon you will get a visit from the grim reaper. Although some (such as genetics or congenital diseases) are largely out of our control, there are other factors that you CAN do something about—and likely live much longer...
How to have beautiful skin, lose weight and more!
People typically look to the drug and personal care industries to help achieve their health goals…but end up disappointed or downright harmed as a result. For example, if you want beautiful skin, there are mountains of fancy creams out there all promising to make your largest organ soft and glowing. But external moisturizers only do so much for healthy skin—you need water and nutrients too! Is weight loss your goal? Brace yourself once you uncover...
This “attitude” can cause disease and early death
I'd like to talk to you today about a certain “attitude” that affects millions of people and leads to a variety of serious health problems and even early death. I’ll call it “I-hate-to-exercise-itis!” I swear some people would rather lie in a bed of spiders and snakes than to work up a good sweat on a regular basis. And that's a shame because regular exercise has SO many outstanding health benefits! Here are 10...