Holistic Blends Blog


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Want to stay healthy? Take care of this body part

Want to stay healthy? Take care of this body part

I think it’s safe to say that most of your body parts are pretty darn important, but there is one that shines apart from all the others, and how healthy (or not) it is determined whether you are reading this blog today or are pushing up daisies.
Aug 09, 2017 0 comments

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The newest acid reducer “side effect”--DEATH

The newest acid reducer “side effect”--DEATH

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs—such as Nexium and Prilosec) are the go-to treatment for acid reflux, with annual sales of at least $10 billion in the US.  PPIs “work” by shutting down your stomach’s acid production.  With less acid in the stomach to shoot up in your throat, you get relief from reflux.
Jul 31, 2017 0 comments

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You need these now more than ever!

You need these now more than ever!

Research continues to uncover all the growing ways your gut microbiome controls your physical AND mental health.  Here are just a few of the vital roles it plays:

Jul 19, 2017 1 comment

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Rates of this “silent” disease are increasing

Rates of this “silent” disease are increasing

If you are an adult living in America chances are good you are or soon will be hosting a sneaky, silent disease that lies dormant, but can eventually rear its ugly head and leave you flat on your back (or on the operating table).  I’m talking about diverticulitis.  Here’s what you need to know about this “silent” condition that is anything BUT silent when it strikes you.

Jun 15, 2017 4 comments

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Bloated?  Here’s how to get relief fast!

Bloated? Here’s how to get relief fast!

One out of four of us has some type of digestive problem, and right up there among the top is bloating!  Although it tends to affect women more often, bloating is a very common condition that causes misery for millions of people.

May 11, 2017 0 comments

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Can we talk about a very personal subject?

Can we talk about a very personal subject?

I’d like to get personal today and talk about what may an uncomfortable subject.

Your BMs.

Now don’t worry—I’m not peeking into your bathroom.  But it’s important to talk about your “products of excrement” because you can tell a lot about your health from what is in your toilet bowl.

Let’s start with…

May 10, 2017 0 comments

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