Butter or margarine? Which is healthier?
It’s been said that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. I see this playing out all the time in my career as a nutrition coach, especially when the subject of fats comes up with my clients. I am reminded time and again that the average person is completely clueless about fats, particularly when it comes to butter and margarine. But the thing is, it’s not really their fault! Instead,...
Do you sabotage your health like this?
In my professional practice, I’m sometimes entertained by the reactions I get when people consult with me about their health issues and the first question I ask them is, “How’s your diet?” I frequently get the deer-in-the-headlights look, or they look down at the floor. That good, huh? Now, most people know that eating wholesome nutritious foods is important for good health! But the problem is that there are sneaky little excuses that can...
The 5 diet mistakes that guarantee sickness & disease
As much as I wish I could say otherwise, our current state of health is positively abysmal. Seven out of ten US adults have at least one chronic condition, and shockingly, so do 54 percent of our children. Three out of four of us are overweight or obese. Eight out of ten of us are medicated. What in the world is going on?! Well, there are many factors that play into whether someone...
Got belly fat? Here’s how to get rid of it!
With nearly seventy percent of Americans currently being overweight or obese, I think it’s safe to say that there’s no shortage of belly fat around. But is all belly fat created equal? And what’s driving this epidemic of spare tires and muffin tops? Is it just that we’re eating too much? Or is there more to it than that? Let’s look at several factors that are behind our “blossoming bellies” and more importantly, how you...
Avoid this fast track to an early grave
As I was sitting at a red light at a busy intersection yesterday, I saw a car traveling at an unsafe speed cut someone off, then it made a quick right turn on a dime. Into the McDonald’s drive-thru entrance. Too bad for him that the line was pretty long, so his quick pursuit of a Big Mac was about to come to a screeching halt. I don’t care where you live or what...
Do you have too much fat? How to tell.
I don’t think I’ll be shocking you off your chair this morning if I say that excess body fat is generally not a good thing. But in terms of your health, not all body fat is created equal! What matters more is the type of fat you’re carrying and where it’s located. Here’s what I mean: Fat types and areas of accumulation Your body has two types of fat—subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat is...