Don’t spend the holidays sick and depressed

Got a stomach flu? 5 ways to feel better fast!
- Tags: General Health, Immune Health, Viruses

4 ways to slow or stop hair loss
Thinning hair or baldness has long been the subject of many jokes. But the fact is, hair loss can be a shattering blow to someone's sense of self-esteem and well-being...so it's anything BUT funny for many people.

This is our new “normal?”
- Tags: Disease, Exercise, General Health, Healthy Living, Immune Health

A vital heart health nutrient—but you need the right kind
Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately, you’ve probably heard that Omega-3 essential fatty acids are important for heart health. But you may be in for a surprise because recent evidence shows Omega-3s are even more impressive than we thought… But the key is, you have to make sure you’re getting the right kind.

Bad advice that has caused untold harm
Usually, when you follow bad advice, it can end up costing you time or money or both. And when you’re talking about bad health advice, you could be jeopardizing your good health or possibly your life! Here are three examples of bad health advice that have been parroted for decades, and the real story behind each:
- Tags: General Health, Healthy Living