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It’s time for the truth: Statins don’t work

It’s time for the truth: Statins don’t work

I’ve been long beating the drum about the fact that the benefits of statin treatment have been grossly exaggerated, while the harmful side effects have been severely downplayed and brushed under the rug.  Well, now increasing numbers of studies are finally proving it.
Jul 25, 2018 4 comments

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Everything you’ve been told about cholesterol is wrong!

Everything you’ve been told about cholesterol is wrong!

But what if I were to say that most of what you have been told about cholesterol is either not entirely accurate, or downright WRONG?
The average person’s understanding of cholesterol is the result of careful manipulation by food companies and statin manufacturers…both of which want to scare you into using their products.
But when you understand what cholesterol really is, you see that it’s something your body needs—without it you would die!
Feb 07, 2018 2 comments

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How to safely and naturally lower your cholesterol

How to safely and naturally lower your cholesterol

Currently about 30 million people in the US between the ages of 40 and 75 take statins, so I think it’s safe to say we have a cholesterol issue going on.

Nov 08, 2017 0 comments

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How to prevent heart disease (Hint: forget cholesterol)

How to prevent heart disease (Hint: forget cholesterol)

If I were to ask you what causes heart disease, I’m sure you would say “high cholesterol.”

Of course you would.  Drug companies have been very effective in programming you to believe that cholesterol causes heart disease so they can sell you statins and create a customer for life.

The truth is, cholesterol has gotten a bad rap that it doesn’t deserve.  Cholesterol is your body’s healing salve (among the many other roles it plays), so when your body senses inflammation in your arterial walls, cholesterol is summoned to the scene to work its magic.

Mar 27, 2017 2 comments

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The 5 Most Deadly Heart Disease Myths

The 5 Most Deadly Heart Disease Myths

When it comes to heart disease, ignorance is definitely not bliss.  Don’t be fooled by these deadly heart disease myths: Myth #1: It only happens to older people. Fact:  Children and adolescents can begin building plaque in their arteries. Myth #2:  Heart disease runs in my family, so I’m doomed. Fact:  A healthy diet, regular exercise and the right nutritional support can go a long way in preventing heart disease, regardless of your family history. ...

Jan 03, 2017 7 comments

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