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Are you missing these crucial warning signs?

Are you missing these crucial warning signs?

Similar to your car’s “check engine” light, often when something is wrong inside of your body, you get warning signs. For example, back pain usually means inflammation; heartburn is a sign your digestion is off; or if you wake up with a sore throat and runny nose, you probably have a cold. But sometimes the signs we get are rather vague …so we might not suspect there is trouble brewing. This is especially true when...

Sep 16, 2019 7 comments

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Promising hope for fibromyalgia sufferers

Promising hope for fibromyalgia sufferers

  About 10 million Americans (75 - 90 percent of which are women) suffer from fibromyalgia—arguably one of the most painful conditions ever known. The pain and associated symptoms (more on those below) can be so debilitating that the condition can not only affect you physically but also mentally, emotionally, socially and economically.  It can impair your ability to work, go to school, drive, socialize, do household chores or even engage in routine activities of...

Mar 05, 2019 2 comments

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Depressed?  Can’t sleep?  Gaining weight?  This may be why

Depressed? Can’t sleep? Gaining weight? This may be why

  If you slam your thumb with a hammer, there’s a pretty clear connection between that and the throbbing you feel. If you cut your finger on broken glass, the cause and effect is obvious. Or if you’re like I was as a kid and slide down your icy driveway, fall and slam your arm on the ground, you won’t be surprised to wear a cast for 8 weeks. But there are other issues where...

Feb 22, 2019 3 comments

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A sneaky cause of major health issues

A sneaky cause of major health issues

If you went to the doctor and reported having insomnia, you’d probably walk out with a prescription for sleeping pills.
Or if you mentioned feeling depressed, you may get an antidepressant.
If you complained about indigestion, acid reducers may be in your future.
But there is a common underlying cause for all of these health issues (and many more) that NONE of the prescription drugs in the world can touch—and in many cases they make things worse.
Hormonal imbalances!
Here’s why hormones can make or break you in terms of health.
Apr 25, 2018 2 comments

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